Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Collateral Murder

On June 4th, 1944, the V army of General Clark entered Rome. At that time I was a boy, who shared the enthusiasm of the roman citizens for the liberation. I still remember the American troop’s convoy surrounded by the Italian people expressing all their joy and gratitude, shouting “Viva l’America!”

In World War II America defeated the Nazism and helped to rebuild a destroyed Europe. America was the world leader; symbol of hope, progress, freedom, justice, welfare and civility. It was the good-America.

But America has changed! And the soul of the nation has deteriorated; America has lost his role of leader in the free world. This process has been accelerated in the year 2000 with the election of George Bush Junior to USA president. That election represented the victory of extreme capitalism, indifference to social problems, poverty and ecological issues. The politic has been characterized from a total lack of moral backbone. It was the victory of the old bad-America of Bible, shotgun and electrical-chair.

The invasion of Iraq and the Abu-Graib horrors have revealed to the world the face of bad-America. Wikileaks has recently published one video that shows the senseless, cynical inhuman killing of civilian people in Iraq. The video can be watched at: Collateral Murder-Wikileaks-Iraq.

On the morning of July 12th 2007, two Apache helicopters using 30 mm cannon fire killed about a dozen people in the Iraq suburb of New Bagdad. Two children were also wounded. The evidence of the massacre is a video, recorded from the aiming camera of the primary Apache helicopter.

The first video scene shows civilian people on the ground, some of them are reporters with cameras on their shoulders; there is no sign of hostility on the ground.

The pilot reports the situation to the operation command telling that some persons have weapons and asks for the permission to engage. The permission is given and fire is released. The firepower of the 30 mm cannon is effective against armoured vehicles. The civilians are killed on the spot; the kind of ammunition used tears a human body to pieces.

The commentary of the helicopter crew on audio channel after the massacre is appalling, they are euphoric, and they got a good score like in a video game. They have not fired to human beings; they have fired to black-beetles!
Audio: “look those dead bastards! Oh, yeah”

The odyssey is not finished; one man is wounded and tries to crawl away. The helicopter camera is tracking him on his effort to survive. Short time after a minivan approaches and stops to help. The driver tries to transport the injured man to the hospital.

Again the pilot asks for fire permission and again the command is given. A 30 mm burst hits the minivan at short distance - death and destruction for all that poor people inclusive two school children.

Audio: Oh yeah, look at that. Right through the windshield! Ha ha!

Eight minutes after the attack, ground troops arrive on the scene. They find two wounded children in the minivan. Some soldiers try to transport the children to the hospital, but the operation command orders to continue their job instead of wasting time with the children.
Audio: Well it’s their fault for bringing their kids into the battle!

Some day later, the official report:
US military authorities concluded that the action of the soldiers and pilot involved,
where in accordance with the law of armed conflict and their rules of Engagement.

The Washington Post reported the commentary of a 2-16 US Army Major:
“No innocent civilians were killed on our part deliberately. We took great pains to prevent that. I know that two children were hurt and we did everything we could to help them. I don’t know how the children were hurt.”

The video for me is nauseating as well as the US Army report. I think that this kind of America, for my part, can go to the hell.

The video is evidence that official explanations of war events very often are cynical and false. Very often the killing of innocent civilians is not an accident, but a barbaric act. The responsibility of these murders cannot be given to the operative troops only because they have been trained and respond to headquarters. The USA army in Iraq washes the brain of his soldiers and let them believe that the persons they kill and torture are not human beings but black-beetles, bastards, nothing.

Once back home, the USA veterans will realize that any inhuman behaviour that hurts and destroy innocent lives has a collateral effect on the responsible persons: the destruction of their own soul. What is the sense of sacrifice for the killed, wounded, mental destroyed soldiers? The answer is: no sense, none! Their youth, their lives and their souls have been sold for business, political power, and money.
Where is the enemy? The answer: at home. Who is the enemy: the bad-America!


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